A peek into sex therapy and sex addiction with Dr. Jason Winters

We are finally releasing a long awaited episode with Dr. Jason Winters! If you are interested in what it looks like to be in sex therapy, how sex therapists interact with their clients, how Jason treats and assesses sex addiction, or any other sex therapy related inquiries… you found the perfect episode. The episode starts with Dr. Jason discussing how he became a sex therapist (discussing his work in pedophilia, sex addiction, and other interesting study designs including penile plethysmography work), we then discuss sex/porn addiction, and then explore what it is like to be in a sex therapy session.

Dr. Jason Winters is a registered psychologist and sex therapist. https://www.drjasonwinters.com/

Brain Buzz will be going on a break for the remainder of the year and hope to start up their next season sometime early in the New Year! Have a happy holidays, much love from the Brain Buzz team!